Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Kid's Kingdom is a safe and loving environment. We provide childcare to children ages 6 weeks to 11 years.
Our preschool supports ages 3 through 5 year olds.

For more information please call the daycare at 574-342-5537 or email.

Kids Kingdom Daycare celebrated their 15 year anniversary September 5th, 2020. 15 years ago, Andrea Hart and the members of Pentecostal of Bourbon decided to help their community by opening a daycare. They wanted to provide families, whether single parent or both parents working, a safe environment to leave their children and not worry.  Since 2005, the daycare has helped 398 kids and their families. While some were on a short term basis, many have grown up here, and six went on to become employees. Andrea Hart is grateful to able to do what she loves. "I never thought they would become such extended family to me. I've been invited to birthday parties, events,  and even on vacation. They really are family and I don't take that lightly." She and her staff enjoy each hug, picture, and handful of dandelions given to them. The church continues to support Kids Kingdom Daycare through monetary, food, and toy donations. It is considered another ministry and many partner with the daycare in prayer for it's families.  The daycare wishes to thank the community for their continuing confidence in the care of their children for the past 15 years and for many more to come.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
5 am - 5 pm

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